Getting over creative slumps

How do you still push on when you’re feeling unmotivated, burned out, or just plain uninspired? It can feel so impossible to get over this feeling. So, what can you do when you don’t feel like doing anything at all? First, I want to say you are not the only one, even the best designers have admitted to this during their life.

I can’t list how many times where I’ve felt unmotivated on a particular project or changed my approach due to the fact that what I was working on just didn’t feel right or good enough. Not feeling confident in ones creative abilities is a whole other topic but for this there are a few methods for helping to push the reset button and getting back on track. 

  1. Realizing you are in a funk – this part is easy but important sometimes we keep on working on something making unnecessary edits thinking it will work itself out. 

  2. Its easy to work work work, and fall victim to burnout, but its important to take breaks! Move away from your screen, take a walk, go to local coffee shop for a cup of coffee, read a book, or take a nap and come back a bit later when your mind is clear again.

  3. Find Inspiration – There are so many sources nowadays Pinterest, Instagram, Behance, Creative Blogs, etc… However, we have to be careful with the time used on these platforms its easy to get intimidated and overwhelmed but they are great resources to see how other creatives carried out ideas you may have. In addition to these sites don’t forget the physical environment take time to visit Museums, local boutiques, and coffee shops. You will be surprised how many times just changing your environment can spark the creative thoughts to start moving. 

  4. Start a “Brain Dump” page. I recently started this idea and what a game changer it has been. Its not meant to be organized in anyway it literally is what the title suggests a page or multiple pages to “dump” your thoughts. For example your in the shower and a random idea of a blog post spring out of nowhere. Or your talking to a friend about second tattoo idea you have and you have a sudden urge to make a series of digital prints. Keeping an ongoing list in a notebook that you keep with you often so you can refer back to them when you are inspired.

  5. Remember why you started in the first place. This is hard especially when its what something you do for a living. It can be viewed as a “chore” instead of fun so take time out to work on creative personal projects and think back what got you excited or motivated to start your blog, photography, design, etc. This can help to spark back the passion of why you enjoy what you are doing.

I really hoped some of these tips helped and reminded you its ok to feel unmotivated from time to time and you have grown so much already in your field and that you will continue to grow and find joy in multiple things you do in this industry. So don’t be too hard on yourself now. :)